Does Your Bulldog Really Need Winter Cloths?

This issue can be a hot button topic amongst many dog owners. Dogs have evolved over millions of years to survive outside to endure the elements. They have natural hair that protects them. Many dogs are not as used to snow.

My Bulldog Cash loves the snow and My Husky Mishka loves can't get enough of it even when it hits -20. 

Some veterinarians like  Dr. Rachel Barrack, from state that there is only so much curling up a dog can do. Some dogs are much more active than others which creates more body heat. Also you need to take into consideration how old they are and any special health conditions they may have.

The best way to test is just to bring them outside and see if they adapt. If they start to shiver and get cold quickly or slow down them bring them back inside. Note the weather conditions outside. Sometimes even if you think they need a coat or jacket they will not want to wear it.

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