Hairless Cat Has Game Of Roly-Poly with Bulldog

A YouTuber by the name of Roaneric who is based in South Africa, filmed her tiny Sphynx kitten trying to climb up on top of her much bigger English bulldog, Simba.

 I think the cat is impressed by all the hair Simba has. Possibly jealous!! I as sure several times throughout the video Simba would toss the cat off but Simba seems to be a patient and tolerant dog.

10 Best French Bulldog Memes of All Time

1. He’s Right Behind Me, Isn’t He?

french bulldog meme

2. If You Ain’t Giving Me Treats…

french bulldog meme funny

3. I’m Gonna…

french bulldog funny meme

4. Well, It’s Not Going To Throw Itself…

french bulldog funny

5. Question?

hungry french bulldog meme

6. Running Of The Bulls…

many french bulldogs meme

7. Jean-Claude Van Dog

french bulldog humor

8. I Hate Mornings…

french bulldog morning

9. Must Not Laugh

french bulldog face meme

10. Well One Of Us Is Going To Have To Change…

french bulldog shoes meme
Originally posted in BUzzsharer

Bulldog Swallows Record 7 Rubber Ducks

COLORADO SPRINGS - A Colorado Springs pet owner is warning fellow pet owners about the dangers of animals swallowing small objects after her bulldog swallowed seven rubber ducks.

 Sassie the bulldog had surgery after she swallowed seven small rubber ducks around the same time she gave birth to nine puppies, her owner Lynette Marchetti told News 5 via Facebook.

According to a Facebook post, Dr. Germeroth at High Country Veterinary Hospital said Sassie has recovered well -- but that this incident should serve as a warning to other pet owners out there.

Marchetti said the rubber ducks and anything else Sassie may be capable of swallowing will stay far out of reach from now on for her own safety. Hopefully, Sassie will stay busy with her nine new puppies, and far away from the rubber duckies.

Comedian Nic Smal Creates Music Using His Bulldog As The Instrument

South African Comedian and musician Nic Smal is using his bulldog to create beat boxing sounds. He starts by patting on his Bulldog Banjoe. He then records the sounds and then using some creative mixing techniques creates some music. It may not become a hit but at least its entertaining.

Bulldog Is So Angry At Owner For Putting On A Costume.

The Bulldog Jake in the video had a pirate costume put on him by his owner. He is not happy though. AT ALL!!! lol. He refuses to look at his owner when he talks to him. I know he is. He acts just like my CASH. He won't look at me when he is mad. Too funny!!

French Bulldog puppy challenges Shar Pei to tug-of-war match

Don't let the size fool you, this puppy is in it to win it! Watch the fearless little Frenchie engage in an epic tug-of-war game with a much bigger and stronger Shar Pei. Who will emerge victorious? You'll just have to watch until the end to find out!

It Never Ceases To Amaze Me The Bond Kids Can Have WIth Thier Pets

The friendship between a toddler and her pet bulldog is being documented in a heartwarming Instagram account. 

 Two-year-old Erin Craig, from New York, and her dog Harvey have been inseparable since Erin was a baby. Everything the pair does together is documented on Instagram by Erin’s mum Katie Craig, including napping, playing with toys and reading.

The account has garnered more than 30,000 followers “It’s amazing to see how much she truly loves him and how he will follow whatever it is she decides to do,” mum Craig told the Daily Mail.